These are commonly found in all kinds of electronics. Either the forward voltage increases substantially (sometimes infinitely), or the diode effectively turns into a wire, allowing current to flow in both directions.Ī Schottky Diode is a slightly “better” diode. Exceeding that current (say by overloading or short circuiting) can result in failure. This effect worsens the more current the diode passes.ĭiodes also have a rated maximum current. This is generally not ideal or efficient, and the voltage that is lost results in heat dissipation. Unfortunately, a diode also causes a drop in voltage as power passes through it (known as the “forward voltage”). It allows power to travel in one direction, and blocks it from traveling in the other.
If you made it here from a search engine, you’ve probably already seen this failure 10 times over.Ī diode is effectively a one-way valve.